The Suit of Wands is all about global plans and Interconnections.
The Suit of Wands is all about focusing your will to make an impact on the world. It can be about commerce and conflict or just getting what one wants. It represents a competition of wills and ideas, but competition need not be negative. This suit is also associated with creativity, initiative, and enterprise.
Its element is Fire which makes it expansive and powerful and sometimes hard to control. Without discipline, the flames of the Suit of Wands will consume instead of fuel. Not only can this Suit push you towards your goals, but it can always warn you that you’re approaching burnout in the Ten of Wands.
The Ace of Wands represents the beginning of an undertaking, with flames that represent passion and drive. The Two of Wands depicts the balancing act between exploration and stability. It’s about having a plan and going for it, but also being aware of the consequences.
The Knight of Wands is passionate, fearless, and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, while the Queen represents all things creative and feminine. The King is an entrepreneur who goes after his dreams with ambition and determination.
The Suit of Wands represents the fire signs of Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius, the signs of ego and self-promotion, and those who shine in a crowd. They are ambitious risk-takers that struggle with impatience. The sign of Aries, in particular, is about taking initiative, leading the charge into battle or other endeavors. Aries people are highly competitive and often bite off more than they can chew.
With Leo in the mix, this suit is also connected to leadership, bravery, and a strong sense of self-worth. Those associated with Leo will be passionate, with an innate sense of purpose. They know what they want and won’t let anything stop them from achieving it. Sagitarrians are more focused on the big picture and will take risks but also consider all possible outcomes. They can be impulsive, but ultimately their aim is to make the world a better place. If your planets fall within these signs, you may be particularly drawn to the Suit of Wands and see these cards appear repeatedly in your tarot spreads.
People who are strong in this suit can be driven to accomplish big things, even when it means going against the grain of what others believe. They will often take on challenging tasks that could help those around them or have a positive effect on the world at large. Wands people tend to be courageous in the pursuit of their goals and are likely to take risks to make things happen. Those drawn to this suit should use its power wisely, as it can be a source of great strength but also an engine of destruction if misused.
Wands is the energetic pursuit of a vision. It definitely speaks to commerce and business careers and opportunities. Sports figures and politicians and self-made men who can carve out their own unique destiny through negotiation and perseverance are indicated by wands.
It’s important to note that while much of the energy associated with this suit is masculine, many aspects are also strongly linked to feminine attributes such as intuition, courage, and fearlessness. The Suit of Wands is a great place to tap into our inner desires and passions, especially those that may have been lying dormant. We can use the suit to help us create something remarkable and bring out our true potential.
The Suit of Wands can be a sign of great power, sex appeal, intuition and creativity – but also of rashness, impetuousness, greediness, and manipulation. It all depends on how it’s used! Whether upright or reversed, tarot readers look for ways to make something good out of this energy.
Wands Upright
Wands speak of power and sexuality and attraction. Which often happens as communication increases. They take us on an adventure and ask us to manifest our will into action. Tarot card meanings in this suit tend to focus on being innovative and courageous. And also on a drive to succeed that is based on confidence and ambition.
A wand can be a great sign in a love reading, an upright wand definitely means he is attracted!
Wands Reversed
All the pitfalls of Capitalism, unbound. Greedy, selfish, manipulative. A brash, impetuous risk-taker, without considering the consequences. The business man is willing to win at all costs.
Yet tarot readers look for the opportunity in Wands reversed, as there may be a way to turn it around and make something good from it. That is tarot explained.
Ask all your tarot questions, and the Wands reversed tells you to take a step back and reassess your decisions, to make sure you’re not being too impulsive or getting carried away. It’s okay to be ambitious, but remember that all actions have consequences.
It can also mean being so convinced of your own ideas you don’t listen to the wisdom around you or the signs that the universe is not supporting your project.
When the tarot reading shows reversed wands, we could be dealing with delays or stagnation. The reversed Two of Wands appears when you feel like you’re stuck in the mud. Someone’s energy may be blocked or they might not feel motivated enough to chase their dreams. We see this inferiority complex reflected in the reversed Seven of Wands. It can sometimes refer to someone who has lost sight of their goals due to a lack of focus or enthusiasm. They could even have become unmotivated by fear of failure or too much comfort and convenience. When mental faculties fog and focus eludes them, expect the reversed Nine of Wands in tarot readings.
Suit of Wands Timing
All of the Art of the suit of wands in the Rider Waite deck uses a lot of yellows and reds and the scenery in them really reminds me of summer.
The fire signs of the zodiac are associated with wands usually you will find images that relate to Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
They are also related to the Emperor, Strength, and Temperance cards, which usually have strong summery themes in the Background.
Many of the Wand cards indicate a YES answer to any Yes/No answers you may ask of them and that is because summer is such an exuberant positive time. The days are long and life seems easy. Why not say yes to a new adventure?